Thursday, March 26, 2015


The last sentence of the Tobermory(which is a weird name) is this, "If he was trying German irregular verbs on the poor beast," said Clovis, "he deserved all he got." Cornelius was killed because he was trying to teach elephants in the zoo how to talk and understand speech. Unforntunatley he didn't succeed as well as with Tobermory the cat, and the other characters appreciate that because they couldn't handle even one cat talking, let alone an elephant. Tobermory was amazing in that he was the first species to talk, but yet he said things with no boundaries, spoke only the truth, no matter how hurtful or bad it made someone look. I think thats the theme of the story, that people can be so astounded with something, but at the same time is so scared of it that they'll want to get rid of it, or kill it, like they did with Tobermory.

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